Friday, May 29, 2009

Emily Dickinson Cento



To see the summer sky, 1472

To tell the beauty would decrease, 1700

To the bright east she flies, 1573

To their apartment deep, 1701

To this world she returned, 830

To try to speak and miss the way, 1617

To undertake is to acheive, 1070

To venerate the simple days, 57

To wait an hour is long, 781

To whom the mornings stand for nights, 1095

Today or this noon, 1702

“Tomorrow” -- whose location, 1367

My Savior, My God

God is a distant, stately lover, 357

God is indeed a jealous God, 1719

God made a little gentian, 442

God made no act without a cause, 1163

God permits industrious angels, 231

Going to heaven, 79

Going to Him! 494

Good morning, midnight, 425

Good night, because we must, 114

Good night! Which put the candle out, 259

Life Cycle

[How soft a caterpillar steps, 1498]

“Caterpillar in the tree, how you wonder who you’ll be 

[How soft this prison is, 1498]

you cant go far but you can always dream.

[Cacoon above! Cacoon below! 129]

Dont, you worry hold on tight.

I promise soon, that there will come a day.

[From cacoon forth a butterfly 354]

Butterfly, fly away.”


“I must open my hands and watch you rise. 

Spread your wings and fly.


[Morning is due to all, 1577]

[Dew is freshest in the grass, 1097]

[Had I known that the first was the last, 1720]

[Had I not seen the sun, 1233]

[Had I not this, or this, I said 904]

[Had I presumed to hope. 522]

[Had this one day not been, 1253]

[Had we known the ton she bore, 1124]

[Had we our senses, 1284]

We could have saved her. 

[Death sets a thing significant, 360]

[Death warrents are supposed to be, 1375]

[Deaths waylaying not the sharpest, 1296]

[Death is a dialogue, 976]

[Death is like the insect, 1716]

[Death is a supple suitor, 1445]

[Death is potential to that man, 548]

[Death leaves us homesick, 935]

Death, was her fate.

[How far is it to heaven, 929]

[How firm eternity must look, 1499]

She prayed.

[“Faith” is a fine intervention, 185]

[Faith is a pierless bridge]

She drowned. 

[Heavenly Father, take to thee, 1461]

[Come slowly Eden, 185]

[Heaven has different signs to me, 1575]

[Heaven, is so far of the mind, 370]

[Heaven is what I cannot not reach, 239]

[Except the heaven, had come so near, 472]

[Except to heaven, she is nought. 154]

[I went to heaven, 374.]


Her breast is fit for pearls, 84

His bill an auger is, 1034

Her face was in a bed of hair, 1722

His bill clasped, his eye forsook, 1102

Her final summer was it, 795

His cheek is his biographer, 1460

Her losses make our gains ashamed, 1562

His feet are shod with gauze, 916

Her smile shaped like ohter smiles, 514

His heart was darker than the starless night, 1378

Her spirit rose to such a height, 1486

His little hearse like figure, 1522

Her grace is all she has, 810

His mansion in the pool, 1379

Her sovereign people, 1139

His mind like fabrics of the east, 1446

Her sweet weight on my heart at night, 518

His mind of a man a secret makes, 1663

Her little parasol to lift, 1038

His oriental heresies, 1526

Her last poems, 312

His voice decrepit was with joy, 1476


I am afraid to own a body, 1090

I am ashamed, I hide, 473

I am alive I guess, 470

I asked no other thing, 621.

I came to buy a smile today, 223

I cannot buy it, tis not sold, 840

I bring an unaccustomed wine, 132

I could not drink it, sweet. 818.


627 words

Another problem comes (69)

By those who ne’er succeed (67)

Without commander! Countless! Still! (64)

Within my reach! (90)

Butterflies pause (86)

As by the dead we love to sit (88)

My friend must be a bird (92)

This humble tourist rose! (93)

On that specific Pillow (1533)

From all the jails the Boys and Girls (1532)

Acquitted – from that Naked Bar (455)

But witness for her land (1775)

Midsummer, was it, when They died (962)

Vicinity to laws (963)

Nay, it is Deity (809)

It ends beyond (761)

And now We roam in Sovereign Woods (754)

So much Summer (651)

This – dost thou doubt – Sweet (549)

How slow the Wind (1571)

It can’t be “Summer”! (221)

In rags mysterious as these (117)

Come slowly – Eden! (211)

The Admirations – and Contempts – of time (906)

Too imminent the chance (911)

I cannot be ashamed (914)

When Roses cease to bloom, Sir, (32)

Adrift! A little boat adrift! (30)

There is another sky, (2)

Summer for thee, grant I may be (31)

Blazing in Gold and quenching in Purple (228)

We – Bee and I – live by the quaffing (230)

God permits industrious Angels (231)

Half Child – Half Heroine (283)

They looked like frightened Beads, I thought (328)

Their Everlasting fashions – set (331)

I’ll hand it to the Angel – (336)

Who own the ample sea (466)

Because there isn’t Room (467)

I could not prove the Years had feet (563)

A Minor thing – it sounds (565)

To a fictitious Country (562)

Except the Heaven had come so near (472)

Much Madness is divinest Sense (435)

I boldly answered – entered then (436

But we couldn’t learn! (267)

One Life of so much Consequence! (269)

A brief, but patient illness – (18)

This is a word (8)

In insecurity to lie (1434)

Its awful chamber open stands (1428)

A wild Blue sky abreast of Winds (1415)

How lonesome the Wind must feel Nights (1418)

But give a Giant room (1286)

Or could it cease to be (1253)

Crumbs – fit such little mouths (690)

Is ascertained by tasting (799)

Were every storm so spice (1133)

The Bird must sing to earn the Crumb (880)

A Cloud the mighty Sun encloses (882)

Split the Lark – and you’ll find the Music (861)

When the Astronomer stops seeking (851)

Nature and God – I neither knew (835)

Who till they died, did no alive become (816)

It – suggests to our Faith (797)

Nature – the Gentlest Mother is (790)

One Blessing had I than the rest (756)

We thirst at first – ‘tis Nature’s Act (726)

Sweet Mountains – Ye tell Me no lie (722)

The Sunrise runs for Both (710)

Speech is one symptom of Affection (1681)

The Ditch is dear to the Drunken man (1645)

Take all away from me, but leave me Ecstasy (1640)

Talk not to me of Summer Trees (1634)

To try to speak, and miss the way (1617)

The Things that never can come back, are several (1515)

Facts by our side are never sudden (1497)

One of the ones that Midas touched (1466)

Time’s wily Charges will not wait (1458)

I thought the Train would never come (1449)

My soul, to find them, come (1436)

We shun because we prize her Face (1429)

Art thou the thing I wanted? (1282)

And turns so weak away (1285)

Until allured away (1279)

That makes the Heart put up its Fun (1271)

I cannot see my soul but know ‘tis there (1262)

And never coming back (1260)

Longing is like the Seed (1255)

Like Brooms of Steel (1252)

A soft Sea washed around the House (1198)

A little dog that wags his tail (1185)

A Dinner for a Bee (1154)

Lest any doubt that we are glad that they were born Today (1156)


Winds of Summer Fields (1147)

Emily Cento

Kelly Bates
WC: 315

Emily Dickinson Cento
Let’s hope this turns out adequately

The duties of the Wind are few (1137)
Is but a filament, I know, (673)
If just as soon as Breath is out (577)
And ride away (1186)

On that low Plain (1289)
With Midnight to the North of her— (721)
Is left—the Immortality—(1365)
Beyond my Boundary— (881)
There is a finished feeling (856)
Of His Authority— (724)

Nature knows as well (1139)
Each Second is the last (879)
A mighty look runs round the World (575)

Why, I will lend until just then (134)
The Apple on the Tree (239)
And lily tubes—like Wells (247)
Until Death touches it (491)
With half a smile, and half a spurn, (511)

The Robin is the One (828)
Of the Seasons and the Sun (839)
To own the Art within the Soul (855)
Distinguished for the gravity (892)

Of Indigo and Brown— (1465)
Would scarcely cause one to suspect (1058)
The first Day’s Night had come— (410)
True, like the Tomb (408)

Invigorated, waded (1211)
He is new and high— (1213)
Now that she was gone— (1219)
The spirit never shows. (1225)

And drew away (1237)
Assuredly will lie (1246)
In any forest stirred (1259)
Confronting us again! (1274)

In this short life (1287)
Go slow, my soul, to feed thyself (1297)
Recollect the Face of me (1305)
That she could not forgive (1321)

A wave of Gold— (204)
Is it always pleasant—there— (215)
Teasing the want— (253)
Then, I am ready to go! (279)

Better to be ready— (373)
Where be the Haze— (386)
A horror so refined (401)
Not all the Snows could make it white (411)

From every Human Heart (911)
I asked Humility (1502)
And while by standing on my Heart (1507)
I envy Light—that wakes Him— (498)
His own was ampler—but as I (308)
Sweet plea— (200)


Kelly Gibbons (722)

The Closing of Her eyes,
Empty my Heart of thee, (587)
Adored with caution- as a Brittle Heaven, (680)
I many times thought Peace had come (738)
'Twas the old-road-through pain, (344)
Why, I have lost, the people know (104)
Remembrance has a Rear and a Front (1182)
Of Fate if this is All (1334)
Its bright impossibility, (505)
The Forest of the Dead (615)
And leave the Soul-Alone (524)
From the belief that Somewhere, (532)
The solemn contract of a Life, (580)
All-the price if All (772)
Why give if Thou must take away (882)
This way, I keep from missing (996)

The Dying need but a little, Dear, (1026)
Departed, or at Home (1037)
Is Heaven a Place-a Sky- a Tree? (489)
It was a boundless place to me (506)
I felt my life with both my hands (351)
But Dying-Is a different way (335)
Of course-I Prayed (376)
My Reward for Being, was This (343)
And that is His business-not Ours (316)
Oh what a Grace us this, (1614)
If grace could talk (1608)
God would certainly scold! (251)

All but death can be adjusted (749)
There is another Loneliness (1116)
Are Friends Delight or Pain (1199)
There's Triumph in the Room (455)
My period had come for Prayer (564)
Impregnable my Fortress (642)
That dying I may earn the Look (1559)
We are molested equally (1646)
My God- He sees thee (1178)
The rainbow never tells me (97)
Dare I presume to see (166)
Departed-to the Judgment (524)
Not so the infinite Relations- Below (1040)
My Cocoon tightens- Colors tease- (1099)
I made slow Riches but my Gain (843)
Death is a Dialogue between (976)
She hideth Her the Last (557)
Superiority to Fate (1081)
Bliss is frugal of her Leases (1119)
Of her effacing Fathom- (1358)
All things swept sole away (1512)
She's dreaming of the woods! (142)

The Fact that Earth is Heaven (1408)
For which I cease to live- (1559)
There comes an hour when begging stops (1751)
The Love a Life can show Below (673)
But reduce no Human Spirit (710)
Compared with that profounder site (1695)
Far after Act or Accident (1175)
What I see not, I better see- (939)
I'm glad I don't believe it (79)
And in the midst so fair, (144)
I have no Life but thus (1398)
None who saw it ever told it (1110)
But not for Compensation (862)
As hopelessly as I- (739)
I asked no other thing (621)
You love the Lord- you cannot see (487)
What I can do- I will- (361)
Incarceration- Home. (1334)

Alluded to no time (93)
And never coming back (1260)
Oh disparity (1314)
All but Death, can be adjusted (749)
Block it up (546)
The Eyes glaze once -and that is Death- (241)
Not in this World to see his face- (418)
I dwell in possibility- (657)
The Lord alone is burned (871)
We fought Mortality (1136)
No Passenger was known to flee (1406)
Into the Beautiful (1540)
Escaped the House unseen (948)
Except it have the flaw- (242)
They leave us with the Infinite (350)
It was dying- Then- (614)
One Blessing had I than the rest (756)
Each one unto the other (1049)
Through the strait pass of suffering- (792)
A legacy of Love (644)
But Heaven made both, impossible (586)
Partakes without alighting (500)
Too imperceptible to note (471)
Without a Misery- (372)
Inebriate of Air-am I- (214)
I deemed Eternity (765)
I took on Draught of Life (1725)
Such are the inlets of the mind (1421)
Perhaps they do not go so far (1399)
A Good News should be given (947)

Light is sufficient to itself (862)
The Height I recollect (788)
No matter-now-Sweet (704)
It never did betray (578)
Could-I do more-for Thee- (447)
The Lost- Day's face- (355)
That I dare to tell? (291)
The one that no one else would miss (223)
No other-stopped to earn (767)
The Grace next to it-heal? (918)
To the Native Land. (1021)
Babble of the Happy (1217)
More loyal for the exody (1300)
More arduous there is (1446)
Ajar-secure-inviting (578)
Best Beauty's Way (571)
The Heaven-unexpected come, (513)
I gained it so- (359)
Till it depart, persuading Mine- (1060)
Just lost, when I was saved! (160)
I went to Heaven- (374)
Amd all we said-was "Saved"! (325)

Seven Part Soul

Built up on a ten foot pedestal
The likes of which Goliath would be proud
Now you must perform for the monkeys
Chanting as the sticks become knives
Hands clenched so tightly
Veins are punctured
Glass rescinded to the end of the busted sky
Hope is the destroyer of dreams
Great expectations
No expectations
Seasons sold to the third planet
In the next galaxy
Twenty-first day and age
These people, they can never know the meaning of freedom
Because they never knew slavery.

Collar lights, wind brushes, rusted plastic, unconfined locket, joyous pastry.

Beaming face of hell
Tearing it down
The writing on the wall
Tearing it down
The dancing shoes of hate
Tearing it down
Cheap purity of trust
Tearing it down
The shade of an impostor
Tearing it down
And painting
Portrait of a hugging face
And painting
Footsteps begging for destination
And painting
Miles of implanted love
And painting
Restrictions on maniacal bullet powder
And painting
Chemicals into invisibility.

Carpet laws, drum soda, green cleanliness, cat worship, dart farm.

Maroon silk clouds the room
Bottom lip of the ax curls
Is it a smile or frown?
Ready to kill either way
Strike at its desired moment
At its leisure
Like a blind angel
A pattern in the cloud of silk reveals itself
A smile
A face
A name
Flee the room
Run through the ice beasts and turncoats
Run to the edge of the world
If the world’s a sphere
You’ll fall off sooner or later
No balance
No control
Maybe land flat-footed on a star
Or a galaxy twenty meters below ours
Like the underside of a bookshelf
There’s always something more
There’s always something more.

Just ask God, he knitted the picture of the universe, sewed together the planets, dashed in the stars...Why would he have wasted his weaving time making millions of stars and planets to give life to just one? No, there’s life and blood racing elsewhere; it is simply an endless unsuccessful search. Remember, dreams never end.

Fish wing. Fiery water. Lead pen. Red air. Crumbled metal.

What’s the world without poetry? Like Harry Potter without a wand, like a plant that will scream aloud in agony, like television without Larry King, like a school without students, like America hating football, like George Bush returning to office, like an anorexic begging for food, like Disco coming back, like being able to hear the sound of taste, like Paris Hilton running for office, like an ice-cold July in Louisiana, like an atheist praying to God, like a vegan chowing down on steak, like a drunk police officer pulling over a stoned driver, like having a pet grizzly bear, like spotting a penguin roaming downtown Orlando, like an athlete who hates sports, like the GEICO Gecko with an Irish accent, like a sober Amy Winehouse, like a turtle outrunning a cheetah, like MTV showing actual music videos and not crappy reality shows, like an English major who hates books. Thanks for asking, but luckily we’ll never have to find out.

Time idea. Blanket plug. Bearded rose petal. Flannel octopus.

The ponytail parades are on
It must be the week’s end
Sit down
Absorb it
Collapse it into your brain
Vacuum it like a died out habit
And draw the lines
To your final destination
It won’t be long now.
It won’t be long
Their march is straight
You must turn down the alley
Of a thousand choices
You have no choice.

Rhythmic nose. Young words. Poison tongues. Teaspoon laws.

What time, what year
Was the millionth hour of earth’s existence?
Yet tedious
We wonder but don’t care enough
To explore
Unsolved mysteries leave one furious
Many apathetic
Soon I will break free
Of these chains
And you’ll hear the self-declaration
Into the empty street



ILLegitiMATE (651)
Emily Dickinson -- a Cento
(Word Count: 632)

The sacred stealth of Boy and Girl (1553)
One and One -- are One (769)

Though I within suppose (1555)
I shall not count the journey one (1664)
That never felt the Sun (1660)
The largest Fire ever known (1114)

I tried to think of a lonelier Thing (532)
Which having sown with care (116)
Would pierce me with a fashion (348)
When Certain it must die (468)

We chiefly wonder then (1024)
How short we have to fear (1399)
The grass does not appear afraid (1400)
Would pay each Atom that I am (1231)
I should not dare to be so sad (1197)

A little note -- when you awake (487)
No Message, but a Sigh (804)
I held a Jewel in my fingers (245)
Upon me -- like a Claw (612)
My Hand, with trembling care (609)
When swift it slipped its limit (567)
Have not each one of us the right (1596)
To this revolting bliss (1749)

Somehow myself survived the Night (1194)
For when the Frosts begin (1025)
I knew that I had gained (1022)
But just a single smile (223)
Till mine too heavy grew (217)

Tonight she lies (1702)
And untouched by Noon (216)
You left me Boundaries of Pain (644)
Had all my Life but been Mistake (646)
The Sailor doubting turns (851)

When a Lover is a Beggar (1314)
Which is the best -- the Moon or the Crescent? (1315)
Not a hesitation (1317)
Generic as a Quarry (1316)
And with ironic caw (1659)
To hear the living Clock (1703)
And dream the Days away (333)

A short relief to have the wind (1703)
He shall seek in vain (746)
Sank this Beggar from the Sky (760)
He lived where Dreams were born (371)
Staring -- bewildered -- at the mocking sky (319)
The former love -- distincter grows (610)

With narrow probing, Eyes (561)
Then Loneliness looks so (590)
Dips -- evades -- teases -- deploys (319)
The Gem was gone (245)

A Prison gets to be a friend (652)
The Heart has many Doors (1567)
But History and I (1583)
Today in Memory lain (1209)
Here is laid away (1217)
The Infinite a sudden Guest (1309)
Such are the inlets of the mind (1421)

How mighty to the insecure (1499)
When we have ceased to care (1706)
Her pretty speech -- like drunken men (208)
How fitter they will be for Want (801)
So preconcerted with itself (290)

There is Another -- (977)
Remembered (1028)
It fitted them, came in (1039)
Another Hour to me (1111)
This limitless Hyperbole (1482)
Satisfaction is the agent (1036)

These Strangers, in a foreign World (1096)
With but a single Star (589)
His figure intimate (1128)
Her breast is fit for pearls (84)
It might be Famine all around (791)
Since a Rack couldn't coax a syllable now (793)

While I delay to guess (1187)
It made us all ashamed (1272)
The desolation only missed (1495)
Until they look around (1497)
So long -- so short (1556)

Those looked that lived that Day (1593)
That for an instant (1660)
The lowliest career (1626)

A face devoid of love or grace (1711)
He is just as high (1538)
The Music in the Violin (1576)
Was nearer than the Sky (1581)

He went by sleep that drowsy route (1662)
Sweet is the swamp with its secrets (1740)
The morns are meeker than they were (12)
You and I the secret (22)

Should reach so small a goal (146)
My story as a moral (23)
This faith that watched for star in vain (145)
With Hammer, and with Blaze (365)

More Life went out when he went (422)
To put a Current back (556)
Best Things dwell out of Sight (998)
To Squirrels, and to Me (1073)


Existence: From Kickoff to Finale or The Cavalry of Woe

Existence: From Kickoff to Finale or The Cavalry of Woe
an Emily Dickinson Cento
W.C.: >665

Act I - Birth:
(103) I have a King, who does not speak –
(119) Reverently, to the Hungry
(1522) Of Industry and Morals
(285) Because I see – New Englandly –
(756) Why Floods be served to Us – in Bowls –
(45) Within this inner room!

Act II - Growth:
(1760) The opening of a Door –
(461) Midnight – Good Night! I hear them call
(957) Identity to question
(369) As if for lull of sport –
(463) I stand alive – Today –
(1262) That I be adequately dressed,
(1562) As gallantly as if the East
(662) And God
(457) Hum[med] by – in Muffled Coaches –
(708) Until He [was] past the Pain –
(940) In which We first experienced Light
(938) Only to aggravate the Dark
(1067) And later hang –

Act III - Routine Being:
(1570) Forever honored be the Tree
(1062) Groped up, to see if God was there -
(1574) As Jesus says of Him,
(449) “And I – for Truth – Themselves are One –
(476) Itself be given You” –
(568) And Truth – so manifold!
(567) He gave away his Life –
(712) Or rather – He passed Us –
(855) With Silence as Company
(714) While Nature
(441) With tender Majesty
(708) Consoles a Woe so monstrous
(1144) That doubts as fervently as is believes.

Act IV – Routine Being and a Glimpse:
(1145) No moment will there be
(1202) A Symptom of alarm
(1307) That not a Beggar would accept
(1147) After a hundred years.
(468) There yet remains a Love –
(479) A vulgar grimace in the Flesh –
(505) Enamored – impotent – content –
(561) A sort they call “Despair” –
(637) Wide – Like the Sunrise –
(712) Feels shorter than the day
(798) Of Envy, or of Men –
(318) A Ribbon at a time –
(317) Patient – upon the steps – until then –
(153) Death, the only One –
(92) Mortal, my friend must be,
(59) [and] Found he had worsted God.

(759) But Death was Coy of Him –
(913) Stepped with so gay a Foot,
(857) [a] Prize –
(858) To Him, it would be Death.
(914) And I cannot be proud.
(1154) Each bright Mortality,
(1313) While faithful and afar,
(1311) Is freely mine
(1358) To breathe – corrode the rapture.

Act Va - Realization:
(1467) Though Generations pass away,
(1664) [and] the Sun goes crooked –
(1666) I see thee clearer for the Grave.
(1712) To look would be to drop –
(1715) I shall not look again.
(536) The privilege to die –
(1763) It has a sting
(937) Like Balls – upon a floor.

Act Vb - Practice:
(1539) Now I lay thee down to Sleep –
(1376) Dreams are the subtle Dower –
(1290) I wish I had not broken it.
(942) I admonish thee –
(530) You cannot put a Fire out –
(1104) With Hat in Hand, polite and new –
(618) It begs you to give it work –
(616) It spurn the Grave –
(715) When We stop to Die –
(801) As We – Who never Can –
(882) A Shade upon the mind passes
(1107) Between his Holiday.

(550) Or is this Death’s Experiment
(1890) Into the Beautiful?
(1645) His advocate – his Edifice?
(432) Is it like a Planet?
(882) The Loved?
(893) Or some Elf’s Catacomb?
(1085) Is She so much to blame?
(908) Alas – and art though sleeping yet?
(1094) Would you – instead of me?
(1341) Oh, Subsidy of Balm!

Act VI – The Race:
(784) I rose – it followed me –
(519) It multiplied indifference –
(478) I had no time to Hate –
(479) She dealt her pretty words like Blades –

Act VII - Providence:
(279) Goodbye to the Life I used to live –
(352) Perhaps I asked too large –
(408) The Grave is strict –
(434) However, dear,
(465) I willed my Keepsakes – Signed away
(545) The Value of its Ten –
(513) Some rumor of Delirium.
(515) The long restricted Grave
(468) With Babble of the styles –
(945) The Funeral of God.

(944) How ignorant I had been
(1295) On Doom’s consummated Chart.
(1370) This nature – how undone!
(619) Glee – The great storm is over!

Dickinson, Emily. “The Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson.” New York: The Modern Library, 2004.

My Centos of Emily Dickinson

word count: 1,043

Some sailor, skirting foreign shores- (160)
But just the miles of Stare- (243)
And then- a Day as huge (410)
My Plane- and I, together wrought (488)
Meet- and the Junction be Eternity (622)

It was too late for Man- (623)
Was dying as He thought- or different- (622)
Death is potential to that Man ((548)
I never lived- Enough- (549)
Said Death to Passion (1033)
That such have lived (1030)
Upon the hills Today- (1105)
When the Judged, (1671)
On Angels- squandering for you (1102)
To light, and then return- (1103)
Than from Eternity. (1668)

The low Grass loaded with Dew (1104)
On the Hill- (331)
With only Butterflies to brood (333)
They hurried all around- (328)

Summer we all have seen, (1386)
Take all away (1365)
Take all away from me (1640)
The brain is wider than the sky, (632)
The farthest thunder that I heard, (1581)
The fingers of the light, (1000)
His small Umbrella quaintly halved (1575)
To warm the Sun- (1135)
Haply- your summer night to Charm- (238)
The smouldering embers blush- (1132)
A Color stands abroad (812 )
Lest skies impeach a wealth so wonderful (427)
Its far- far Treasure to surmise- (299)
There- Paradise- is found! (239)

His little Spaniel- Tell Him! (236)
Things are not what they are- (1451)
And I rejoin my Dog, (500)
The happiness atone- (1449)

That is he- (1454)
A Counterfeit- a Plated Person- (1453)
Sank this Beggar form the Sky- (760)
“Twas murder by degrees- (762)
For arrogance of them- (290)
Poor little heart! (192)
Give gently to the dead- (145)
Too sound asleep did lie- (146)
Another Massacre before (1529)
Today or this noon (1702)
To do a magnanimous thing (1699)
And this of ours must die. (1703)

Oh honey of an hour, (1734)
Peace is a fiction of our faith, (912)
Now I lay thee down to sleep, (1539)
Over and over, like a tune, (367)
Patience has a quiet outer, (926)
Oh, what a grace is this, (1615)
Quite empty, quite at rest, (1606)
She’s happy, with a new content, (535)
Far from love the Heavenly Father, (1021)
From the heavelnly clause- (1357)
Come slowly, Eden, (211)
Could I do more for thee (447)
“Faithful to the end” Amended (1357)

Some rainbow coming from the fair, (64)
Pink- small- and punctual- (1332)
“Red Sea” indeed! Talk not to me, (1642)
The Yellow Man (1032)
A Sphere of simple Green- (333)
With the Blue Birds buccaneering (1213)
Purple is fashionable twice, (980)

Fame’s boys and girls, who never die, (1066)
Is wholesome even for the King, (1333)
Whether they have forgotton (1329)
That bells should ring till all should know (047)
Fame of myself, to justify, (713)
Let me not spill- it’s smallest cadence- (503)
The power to be true to You (464)

But since we got a Bomb- (443)
When Men so brave- are dead- (444)
“Tis One by One- the Father counts- 545)
That Such have died enable Us (1030)
Was forfeited away- (1211)
Bold it were to die (1213)
Grant God, he charge the bravest (147)
But Memory like Melody (1578)
“Twere useless tell (1746)
That it will never come again (1741)
Is authorized as peace (1745)

On his British sky- (1213)
We introduce ourselves (1214)
The event was directly behind Him (1686)
So intimate have we become (1742)
And lay the marble tea (1743)

The most important population (1746)
No prisoner be, (720)
Nobody knows this little rose, (35)
No other can reduce (920)

“Tis so much joy! “Tis so much joy, (172)
To be alive is power, (677)
This is my letter to the World (441)
As Women- do- their Gown- (342)
And get the Dimples ready- (347)
And see the People- going by- (345)
And the Old Clock kept neighing “Day”! (237)
A Hint of Ports and Peoples- (719)
The Cruel-smiling- bowing World- (717)
Where Liberty- (720)
Where go we- (1417)
How Human Nature dotes (1417)

Correcting errors of the sky (1418)
There strayed an accidental Red (1419)
Till the Day its Weary Keeper (704)
It stop upon a Spot (1298)

Of Life to own- (1294)
Eternity will be (1295)
The Life that tied too tight escapes (1535)
A stealing that is not a stealth (1536)
Ecstatically leap (1532)
Let go, then, Overcome- (414)
And stir all day to pretty tunes (333)
Out upon the Bay (52)

Master, It was I- (720)
Not what We did, shall be the test (823)
To Two- not any more-
Two Dawns upon a single Morn, (1610)
Ah! Pit! With Heaven over it! (1712)
That clarifies the sight (1714)

A Lady white, within the Field (74)
Her ghost strolled softly o’er the hill (75)
A Territory for the Ghosts- (892)
The Soul cannot be rid- (894)
Tabernacle or Tomb- (893)
The things that Death will buy, (152)
Would you be the fool to stay? (316)

If Love be just beyond- (781)
And I stood up- and lived- (598)
Befalling not my simple Days- (424)
Say “When tomorrow comes this way- (426)
Look back on time with friendly eyes, ( 1478)
“Why do I love” You, Sir? (480)
Because- (472)
I had no time to Hate- (478)

Many a phrase has the English language, (276)
“Morning” means “milking” to the farmer, (300)
To try to speak and miss the way, (1617)
Of a delivered syllable (1409)
Your thoughts don’t have words every day (1452)
But those the silent feel (1750)
What would we- do? (267)
Without a listener? (1748)

Night after Night (266)
The Moon was but a Chin of Gold (737)
Good Morning- Midnight- (425)
So royally intoxicate (383)

When Sense from Spirit- files away- (664)
Tell that the Worst, is easy in a Moment- (358)
Then we hide our brave face (196)
Each- its difficult Ideal (750)
Yet blame the Fate that flung it- less (747)
The Morning after Woe- (364)
Best Things dwell out of Sight (998)
This way, I keep from missing (996)
But never touch the reservoir- (1294)
The Lands we thought that we should seek (1293)
The Heaven, in which we hoped to pause (1293)
With Pinions of Disdain (1431)

Dickinson Cento

Word Count 615

These Strangers, in a foreign World, line 1096
Seem to me as if they another agenda
One that doesn’t quite align with those tell my fortunes
Fortunes of formalities between, the other strangers
My Reward for Being, was This. Poem343
All of nothing seems to be lively hood in the player’s rapture
Letting in the sea, opens new doors for the mustard
Looking for someone in my arms, in my tree.

Who is it seeks my Pillow Nights poem 1598
Open my heart and I shall you all that laughter
All that is retched and flimsy and dirty and lime.
Hurry and find the party
Then laugh at the fools who desperately try and seek the bicycle
Loving and light bulbs seems go hand and hand with stereo playing on full aims.
I can’t seem to figure out which them are for me
As seems as if the signs are getting clearer
Those strangers are hungry, lick them.
Bare Ivory, tickles my rat.
Why mustn’t we rub?
Why can’t everyone just bleed?
Everyone struggles, so die,
It may get better once the apples reach
the sun. Keep the date to yourself,
I lied, share the lies with nature.
It was not Saint- it was too large Line 1092
For me to fit in my wallet
So I left it on the floor,
where I find and lose everything else
That’s right
This loser loses his saint who keeps him imprisoned.
keeping my mask around my hip.
Losing all that I have
Galloping leaping
Understanding the default is pointless,
unless a gun is involved.
Fearing the fear is always theme of styles
You’ve seen balloon set haven’t you poem 700
Jumping the balloons once were pricing them
Haven’t you ever wondered why they were there?
Understanding why the balloons weren’t there would be astonishing
Taking the hook shots with actual hooks weren’t very appealing
They were thirsty so they were in recession
They were then decayed from the drizzled death
Pricing uneducated impersonation
Dead, sleeping in new
Flash forward and comprehend the fortitude
A worldrockistic hominadical gladiator!
Hurray for the lesbians
Hurray to the brother on rleigft
And to the other side of him
Or shall I say her
Who hid the Vaseline from the devil
And hid the visine from the hearing impaired
How cruel to never understand the deaf
And the ones hid the picnic basket from the
Kelly from saved by the bell
Needless to say, I am the book
It should be obvious isn’t the cookie
Owning the monster by the bookcase?
He is now in rehab for lowering his standards
Similar to what I am doing now
We Pray To Heaven poem 489
That we won’t fail,
the trap has the goons
and the gnomes have my tail and refuse to let go
they understand and disagree with the sand
they fear all that righteous and flexible
please leave!
Trying to understand the ignorance
Is truly beautiful and mucus at the same time
Dumb is all the same to the JEWISH
+ is true meaning to life
Trust me I will not lead you astray unless you buy me diner
Then I will hate you
I know I am not making sense but you MUST trust that I will love you and make you a dryer and a sandwich.
Take my wrist and fingers and palm and finger nails with you as you leave and don’t let anything drop from your bag like the paper tends to do.
I love the sound of gasoline in the morning. It makes feel at ease when I distort thee
Please leave the O-bomb. Nothing will control thee as much the logical understand the document

Emily Dickenson Cento

The Soul has Bandaged moments- (512)

And do I smile such cordial light (754)

Is traversing the interval (822)

Attended by a single Hound (822)

Like Sailors fighting with a leak (1136)

Untouched by Morning – (216)

Stealthy Cocoon, why hide you so (129)

Her Sweet turn to leave the Homestead (649)

Never Bride had such an assembling (649)

Twice had summer her fair Verdure (846)

All days I did not earn the same (843)

Good to hide and hear ‘em hunt! (842)

Not so the infinite Relations – Below (1040)

Nature rarer uses Yellow (1045)

Like Time’s insidious wrinkle (1236)

And I affronted grew (1237)

‘Tis to another’s sea – (1234)

Alighting at the Dwelling (1319)

Upon an Ether street. (1053)

The soul should always stand ajar (1055)

No Solstice interrupt – (1056)

Too cold is this (1135)

To seduce the Sun (648)

To One denied to drink (490)

An unpretending time (488)

Without the privilege to know (404)

It doesn’t state you how (353)

I take- no less than skies (352)

And through a Riddle, at the last – (501)

Whose spokes a dizzy Music make (500)

It’s mostly interruptions – (403)

Some – work for immortality – (406)

To perish – of Delight – (405)

‘Tis Opposites – entice – (355)

A Wonder if the Sepulchre (529)

Exultation is the going (76)

A Lady red – amid the Hill (74)

The embers of a Thousand Years (1383)

The Doom to be adored – (1386)

Goes nor comes away (1385)

The stem of a departed flower (1520)

And that’s he way to grieve – (1521)

No Autumn’s intercepting Chill (1516)

Seductive in the Air – (1239)

But let not Revelation (1241)

By force of it’s Result – (951)

Was steady as the Sun (843)

I measure every Grief I meet (561)

I had no time to Hate – (478)

You cannot put a Fire out – (530)

Of Chambers as the Cedars - (657)

And They - appointed Creatures- (658)

Upon Vermillion Wheels – (656)

Conscious am I in my Chamber, (679)

Soil of Flint, if steady tiled – (681)

Only a Shrine, but Mine – (918)

Writing much to thee. (921)

Those who have been in the Grave the longest – (922)

Thou knowest, though, so Why tell thee? (918)

Defrauded I a Butterfly – (730)

If He were living-dare I ask- (734)

To know just how He suffered-would be dear- (622)

We dream – it is good we are dreaming – (531)

Of nearness to her sundered Things (607)

Musicians wrestle everywhere- (157)

Just lost, when I was saved! (160)

On this long storm the Rainbow rose – (194)

You see I cannot see – your lifetime – (253)

Delight is at the flight- -(257)

The Angles – softly peered – (256)

“Hope” is the thing with feathers – (254)

Teasing the want – (253)

They looked like frightened Beads, I thought – (328)

Drop spicy to the grounds – (332)

The first Day’s Night had come – (410)

Whose invitation – Yours reduced (464)

I heard a fly buzz-when I died- (465)

Unto supremest name – (508)

Crowned – Crowing – On my Father’s breast – (508)

And when We turned to not the Growth – (567)

Weariness of Him were quainter (679)

The Bird must sing to earn the Crumb (880)

The Poets light but Lamps – (883)

The Beauty that reward Him best – (968)

A Dinner for a Bee (1154)

“Was not” was all the Statement. (1342)

A Cloud withdrew from the Sky (895)

How happy I was if I could forget (898)

Herein a Blossom lies – (899)

(Emily Dickinson cento; Poem 5 word count – 600)

Blog #4 a Cento of Emily Dickenson by: Jessica Frohling

Word Count: 635

A spider sewed at night 1138
He Forked his way along 1136
Till sudden I perceived it stir 1057
How terrible a thing 879
With ropes of sand 884
Adored with caution—as a Brittle Heaven— 680
Of a shapeless friend-- 679
Beyond my limit to conceive-- 646
Drop, like a Tapestry, away 275
If grief—the largest part-- 246
Seductive in the Air— 1239
Such are the inlets of the mind-- 1421
In my own grave I breath 1632
Unto a Silent Sky 1084
At Heavenly- Hopeless Distances-- 805
And when adjusted like a Seed 804
Dropped into Ether Acre-- 665
Witness, is not here-- 667
I think to Live-may be a Bliss 646
So Midnight’s—due—at Noon. 415
Death twists the strings-- 1059
Air has no Residence, no Neighbor, 1060
Contained in this short Life 1165
Recollect the Face of me 1305
The Infinite a sudden Guest 1309
I pray the Lord thy Dust to keep-- 1539
Yet blamed the Fate that flung it- less 747
All but Death, can be Adjusted-- 749
‘Tis customary as we part 440
The bosoms where the frost has lain 132
Has lost a blush today? 82
Many a Worm 66
To comprehend a nectar 67
Then take my flowers—pray! 32
So has a Daisy vanished 28
The satyr’s fingers beckoned-- 9
Art thou the thing I wanted? 1282
A stagnant pleasure like a Pool 1281
So intimate with Madness 1284
The Wind begun to rock the Grass 1955
Pounce on His bruises-One-say- or Three-- 793
A Half a Dozen kissed the Eaves-- 794
The Needle—to the North Degree-- 792
The Wayward Nun- beneath the Hill-- 722
It slipped—and slipped-- 723
Such Guilt—to love Thee—most! 394
Who visits in the Night-- 391
Through the Dark Sod—as Education-- 392
Can the ecstasy define-- 136
Then how the Greif got sleepy—some-- 577
How good his Lava Bed, 1447
Permitting to pursue 1753
Just long enough for Hope to tease-- 762
The Racket shamed me so-- 486
Stooping—plucking – sighing—flying 94
I took my Power in my Hand-- 540
The River reaches to my feet-- 537
Of His Profound To Come-- 672
Essential Oils—are wrung-- 675
Never Bride had such Assembling-- 649
The Twilight stood, as Strangers do 1104
We do not know the time we lose-- 1106
Between his Holiday 1107
Developed from within-- 795
Growth of Man—like Growth of Nature-- 750
Sufficient to enfold him 606
It’s easy to invent a Life-- 724
Eternity’s vast pocket, picked-- 587
The solemn contract of a Life 580
As if before a child 574
The ones that disappeared are back 1690
And life hath Immortality-- 549
Her smile was shaped like other smiles— 514
The Lover—hovered—o’er-- 512
And bore her struggling, blushing, 91
Exhilaration-is within-- 383
But whom his fingers touched-- 391
Smiling back from Coronation 385
The Soul selects her own Society-- 303
And so with Butterflies-- 257
Rowing in Eden-- 249
How Death’s Gifts may compare-- 382
Each Other’s Convert— 387
How far is it to Hell? 929
Swift as a Freshet’s Tongue 945
All forgot for recollecting 966
A nearness to Tremendousness-- 936
Is best disclosed by Danger 974
The murmuring of Bees, has ceased 1115
Paradise is that old mansion 1119
A great Hope fell 1123
Oh Sumptuous moment 1125
Without discreet alarm-- 1128
Tell all the Truth but tell it slant-- 1129
The Merchant of the Picturesque 1131
Step lightly on this narrow spot-- 1183
Remembrance has a Rear and Front-- 1182
What we see we know somewhat 1195
The Past is such a curious Creature 1203
Let my first knowing be of thee 1218
Without this—there is nought— 655
Sip, Goblin, from the very lips 512
No Power can untie 423

Emily D Cento -622 words

In Winter in my Room (1670)
In snow thou comest- (1669)
A little Snow was here and there (1444)
Quick! Burst the Windows! (1003)
Unto guessed Crests, my moaning fancy, leads me (295)
It ceased to hurt me, though so slow (584)
The Battle fought between the Soul (594)
Unto the Everlasting Spring (804)
Further than Arm could stretch (949)
For treason not of His, but Life’s (950)
Of Heaven above the firmest proof (1204)
What confusion would cover the innocent Jesus (1207)
That such a Realm could be- (1360)
Beguile it more and more – (1580)
It makes us think of what we had, (1764)
And Something’s odd- within- (410)
While simple-hearted neighbors (45)
Are settled, and at work – (1035)
Like Men and Women Shadows walk (1105)
To Keep the Dark away (850)

The thinking how they walked alive- (509)
Leaping like Leopards to the Sky (228)
Strong Draughts of Their Refreshing Minds (711)
By pallid innuendoes (1445)
But think enlarged of all that they will tell us (1515)

Loosed the Moon her silver hat (1672)
The elemental Veil (1412)
Lest in a Face so beautiful (1080)
Of unsuspended Suns – (562)
Too Telescopic Eyes (443)
To witness her Goodbye (419)

We wondered at our blindness (795)
And so of larger – Darknesses – (419)
We soberly descend (1118)
Unobserved – a Ribbon slipt, (1363)
A little weather worn (1465)
Down Time’s quaint stream (1656)
Unconscious our returning, (1657)
This – is immensity – (1512)

A Word that breathes distinctly (1651)
Resembles to my outraged mind (1102)
When the Birds begin to whistle (617)
But wrought their Pang in syllable – (544)
And all the meadows wide – (26)
Like thee to dance – like thee to sing – (24)

Ah, said July – (386)
Let go a music –as of tunes (436)
As Forest touch the Wind (1229)
Was Summer to a Score (805)
She was not warm, though Summer shone (804)
To gird us for the sun, (63)
The old-old sophistries of June – (130)

Thine eye impose on me – (429)
Stains – all washed – (428)
As Suns – dissolve a star (515)
Color-Caste-Denomination- (970)
The Beauty that reward Him best- (968)
And never quite concealed (1173)
Silence is all we dread. (1251)

Sweet Pirate of the heart, (1546)
Not any more to be known – (1344)
My Wars are laid away in Books – (1549)
A Rat surrendered here (1340)
‘Tis starving makes it fat- (1509)
He ate and drank the precious Words – (1587)
Round our new Fireside – but for this –(944)
His glittering Embrace – (867)

For a penurious smile. (868)

The wind doth woo the branches, the branches they are won (1)
The Wind pursued the little Bush – (589)
But could not make it feel. (948)
Even Nature herself (1344)
Has “All” a further Realm – (1341)
Without apparent burden (1723)
Displayed before the simplest Door (1644)
But Nature relishes the Pinks (1641)
An edible Delight (1306)
Until to Her surprise (1081)
Blown tremulous in Glass- (436)
On this long storm the Rainbow rose – (194)
The Breaking of the Day (55)
Easier – for the sky (728)
Is that Great Water in the West – (726)
Riches and Name and Realm (1318)

Such are the inlets of the mind- (1421)
One Joy of so much anguish (1420)
Gathered into the Earth, (1370)
Combined with a seam (1371)
Gravitates within- (750)
Itself to justify (745)
And Dying-Lifetime- (682)
‘Twould ease – a Butterfly – (682)
Of Sunshine-and of Sere- Composed (602)
Far ends of tired Days- (604)
Or who died-yesterday! (277)

The flower must not blame the Bee – (206)
The Rose did caper on her cheek (208)
The Forfeit is of Creature fair (1154)
Best Witchcraft is Geometry (1158)
To breathe my Blank without thee (1153)
The Visage of the Soul (1311)
Shudder to attain. (1315)
Impregnable the Rose (1444)

Cento: Emily Dickenson (Julie Zei)

Word Count: 707

We pray-to Heaven – (489)
To One denied to drink (490)
And then a Tract between (545)
It could not hold a Sigh - (542)
A Dimple at a time- (559)
Over your impotence (854)
Did they forget thee? (192)
Gay little Heart – (192)
Here to light measure, move the feet (24)

And though they now depart, (5)
When April woods are red. (142)
A Gymnast and an Angel (59)
Would anybody care (146)
And answer What I do – (400)

Some – Work for Immortality – (406)
How many Flowers fail in Wood – (404)
If God could make a visit – (413)
Reviewed it with my eyes, (412)
Telescopes would know – (433)
The Service without Hope – (779)

If Love be just beyond – (781)
How vigorous a Force (780)
Their Voices did expend (783)
Will stir and understand – (1383)
Proud of my broken heart, since thou didst break it, (1736)
Burden – borne so far triumphant – (1737)

The Track called Land. (884)
We outgrow love, like other things (887)
Remembering (882)
Each Second is the last (879)
So when Thou failest, nobody. (881)
Even for Death, a fairy medicine. (691)
Victory comes late – (690)
And in the Grave – I see Thee best – (611)
You’ll find – it when you try to die – (610)
Bars – cannot conceal! (528)
It may be – a Renown to live – (444)
To cover what we are (443)
There’ll be that Dark Parade – (389)

Nature – sometimes sears a Sapling – (314)
As Players at the Keys (315)
Just as the Night keeps fetching Stars (224)
Safe in their Alabaster Chambers – (216)
Least Rivers – docile to some sea (212)
It should not tease you – (186)
Only the soldered mouth can tell – (187)
The Skies can’t keep their secret! (191)
The smaller of the two! (246)
The day was warm, and the winds were prosy – (245)
Like a Panther in the Glove – (244)
Power is only Pain – (252)
He’d – climb – if He could! (251)

As cool to speech – as stone – (496)
Those fair – fictitious People – (499)
That has so little Oil – (561)
It knew no lapse, nor Diminution – (560)
I hunted all the Sand – (566)
Unbroken by a Settler – (564)
You’ll know Her – by Her Voice – (634)

The Cruel – smiling – bowing World – (717)
Before Me – Immortality – (721)
So larger to my Eyes (756)
These – adjust – that ran to meet us – (758)
The thought beneath so slight a film – (210)
Brave names of Men – (260)

There’s a certain Slant of light, (258)
Of Bronze – and Blaze – (290)
A half unconscious Queen – (508)
A Dying Tiger – moaned for Drink – (566)
There seemed to rise a Tune (606)
The Wind – unrolled it fast – (602)
The Trees like Tassels – hit – and swung – (606)
One and One – are One – (769)
Were Challenging Despair. (770)
Propounded to Belief. (1017)

Who saw no Sunrise cannot say (1018)
How far is it to Heaven? (929)
It measures like the Sea (928)
Growth of Man – like Growth of Nature – (750)
The Flowers – appealed – a timid Throng – (743)
To shut the Other’s Gaze down – (640)
There breathed a Man – (614)
I rose – because He sank – (616)
I see thee better – in the Dark – (611)
I laughed a crumbling Laugh (609)
My figures file away. (69)
I’d rather call him “Star.” (70)
There is another sky, (2)
Who never lost, are unprepared (73)
A science – so the Savants say, (100)
Will there really be a “Morning”? (101)

Maybe, we shouldn’t mind them – (224)
Could I – then – shut the door – (220)
Never any bend (292)
With different Delight – (294)
What I can do – I will – (361)

The first Day’s Night had come – (410)
‘Twas like a Maelstrom, with a notch, (414)
A warrant, a conviction, (1713)
And crossed a thousand Trees (1600)
And quake – and turn away, (1518)
The depredation of a Breeze (1434)
There was no harm in earth or sky – (1419)
Bold little Beauty (1332)


Conquer Mortality (817)

Word Count: 646

This, is the silent end (913)
Of Expectation--also-- (499)
Of the Ones that pursued it (1344)
In Their Eternal Faces (757)
Were I with thee (249)
So stately they ascend (700)
Upon Enchanted Ground (1118)

There is another Loneliness (1116)
Within the Clutch of Thought (532)
Had it for me a Morn (323)
Parting with Thee reluctantly (1614)
Then Loneliness--looks so-- (590)
Pathetic from the Grass (1068)
And should sound--to me-- (227)
When men and women hear (1724)
Anecdotes of air in Dungeons (119)

I'm old enough, today, I'm certain--then-- (296)
Sweeter than a vanished frolic (65)
To re-endure a Day (660)
Remember it can cease (1196)

An honest Tear (1192)
Wrung me--with Anguish-- (497)
Her tongue more tender than the tune (1722)
Than Life's sweet Calculations (735)
'Tis customary as we part (440)
Amid no bells nor bravoes (93)
The wave with eye so pensive, looketh to see the moon, (1)
And just as tenderly (164)
Cannot resist (1344)
A merciful Mirage (859)
To witness her Goodbye (119)

How lonesome the Wind must feel Nights-- (1418)
When Winds take Forests in their Paws (315)
Two Dawns upon a single morn (1610)
The Moon upon her fluent Route (1528)
When sunrise through a fissure drop (858)
The Grass so little has to do (333)
Till ranks of seeds their witness bear-- (130)
To be a Flower, is profound (1058)
Lest Gratitude revive the snake (1500)
The first--a Gnat's Horizon (372)
At night's delicious close (1764)
Globe Roses--break their satin flake-- (339)
South Winds jostle them-- (86)
The unsuspecting Trees (41)
And rumbles still, though torrid Noons (1581)
Departed with the Torment (1196)

Thine eyes are sadly blinded, but yet thou mayest see (1)
Embarrassment of one another (662)
Turn on Me--when I fail--or feign, (722)
I am alive--because (470)
I was regarded then (1560)
And then I looked at Them (542)
Too tender, to be told. (1065)

Brave--shines the sun through the freckled pane-- (187)
And every Breeze that run along (1374)
Afar upon the Wind (774)
Unconsciousness of Perfectness (1002)
Even Nature herself (1344)
At Morning, in a Truffled Hut (1298)
Forever--is composed of Nows-- (624)
A Light exists in Spring (812)
I am ashamed--I hide-- (473)
On such a dawn, or such a dawn-- (146)
Within its reach, though yet ungrasped (1430)

Take all away from me, but leave me Ecstasy, (1640)
Too happy Time dissolves itself (1774)
The Lily passes sure-- (392)
He traverses--familiar-- (371)
upon a festal day, (56)
This was the road (9)
In her imperial round (58)

Tell Him--I only said the Syntax-- (494)
To interrupt His Yellow Plan (591)
Because that Death is final, (1260)
Majestic is to me beyond (1691)
The earth has many keys. (1775)

Christ--stooped until He touched the Grave-- (833)
Said Passion, through contracting Breaths (1033)
Except for Angels--lone. (154)
Ourselves are conscious He exist-- (630)
Ambition cannot find him. (68)
Nor can you tell me-- (65)
This was but a story-- (39)
In Villages remotely set (1202)
And an entire universe (1198)
For Evidence it be the Grace-- (968)
The Grace that I--was chose-- (356)
One Life of so much Consequence! (270)
Say, Jesus Christ of Nazareth-- (502)
Is this--the way? (1072)

Nature and God--I neither knew (835)
I touched the Universe-- (378)
A little Snow was here and there (1444)
White as Indian Pipe (1250)
I know a place where Summer strives (337)
The Ocean's Heart too smooth--too blue-- (723)
Not so arrogant--this Noon-- (758)
Her Providence--the Sun-- (380)
Comes up to face the skies, (1718)
The Sunset stopped on Cottages (950)
Beauty is nature's fact (1775)
Her final Summer was it-- (795)
God made no act without a cause, (1163)
This World is not Conclusion. (501)


The Life We Have is Very Great

Janet Duszak
Word Count (626)
A Thought went up my mind today (701)
The Life we have is very great (1162)
God made no act without a cause (1163)
Gratitude- is not the mention (989)
Your Riches taught me Poverty (299)
I think to Live –may be a Bliss (646)
An ear can break a human heart (1764)
I heard, as if I had no Ear (1039)
The eye inquires with a sigh (1642)
As other Creatures that have Eyes (327)
The Soul’s distinct connection (974)
The farthest Thunder that I heard (1581)
Embodied scarcely to itself (680)
Of God we ask one favor (1601)
I cannot live with You (640)
Take all away from me, but leave me Ecstasy (1640)
The Heart has many doors (1567)
Because that death is final (1260)
Apparently with no surprise (1624)
To try to speak, and miss the way (1617)
I fear a Silent Man (543)
Good night, because we must (114)
The going from a world we know (1603)
Makes not as much of song (1636)
As innocent as June (1568)
Of Death I try to think like this (1558)
“Heavenly Father” –take to thee (1461)
You cannot make Remembrance grow (1508)
But it is rising ever Day (1507)
The Grave and that Eternity (1503)
If in that Room a Friend await (1760)
To say good-by to men (1761)
The majesties of Earth (1691)
Is every one I meet (1073)
Ah, too it has a wing (1763)
Like hungry dogs (1694)
An Ecstasy discreet (1641)
Soul, Wilt thou toss again? (139)
The name of it is Love (1438)
It bears away in triumph (1445)
The healed Heart shows its shallow scar (1440)
No Passenger was known to flee (1406)
And putting Love away (1078)
As Summer into Autumn slips (1346)
His Heart was darker than the starless night (1378)
For Largest Woman’s Heart I knew (309)
A little Snow was here and there (1444)
How soft a Caterpillar steps (1448)
Enacts intoxication (1359)
But the Heart withdraws (1357)
Perhaps you’d like to buy a flower (134)
My flowers raise their pretty lips (133)
The morning lit –the Birds arose (198)
And when at Night – Our good Day done- (754)
Eternity will be (1295)
The Heaven we chase (319)
The Butterfly in honored Dust (1246)
A deeper twilight on the lawn (140)
In thy long Paradise of Light (1145)
On this long storm the Rainbow rose (194)
Between the form of Life and Life (1101)
Here, where the Daisies fit my Head (1037)
Too mighty for the Daily mind (1323)
The only Ghost I ever saw (274)
You’ll know Her –by Her Voice (634)
She went as quiet as the dew (149)
When it comes, the Landscape listens (258)
It might have been the Light House spark (259)
A little Madness in the Spring (1333)
Was never blown away (1561)
Is bliss then, such Abyss (340)
Bliss is the plaything of the child (1553)
Our little secret slink away (1326)
Ourselves we do inter with sweet derision (1144)
Much Flowers of this and further Zones (978)
The Moon was but a Chin of Gold (737)
In which We first experienced Light (940)
The Sun kept stooping – stooping – low! (152)
What shall I do when the Summer troubles (956)
It is an honorable Thought (946)
Is Heaven a Physician? (1270)
Safe Despair it is that raves (1243)
Go slow, my soul, to feed thyself (1297)
I cannot see my soul but know ‘tis there (1262)
On the World you colored (1171)
One Life of so much Consequence (270)
After great pain, a formal feeling comes (341)
This World is not Conclusion (501)
What is “paradise” (215)
To be alive – is Power (677)
The whole of me – forever (275)
Janet Duszak

Latoya Lewis

Word Count=443
There is another sky(2)
I view the landscape o’ er (3)
In the peaceful west (4)
I have a Bird in spring(5)
Behind my native town(6)
How far the Village lies-(7)
Time’s sublimest target(8)
The tempests touched our garments-(9)
A clearing at the end-(10)
I never told the buried gold(11)
Morning has not occurred!(13)
One came the road that I came-(14)
He stops at every door-(15)
I was never in!(17)
Is where the angels are-(18)
To a hand below (20)
Leaving nooks for Daisy(22)
I sat down to sigh(23)
It was not for me-(28)
If these I loved were lost(29)
Then I remember not(33)
I gasped-I bore away-(41)
Steady-my soul: What issues(42)
Some touch it, and some kiss it-(45)
I bring my Rose(46)
Heart! We will forget him!(47)
I never lost as much but twice,(49)
I will not name it in the street(50)
Far-as the East from Even-(53)
If I should die,(54)
“I will not let thee go (59)
If pain for peace prepares (63)
Hidden away, cunningly,(66)
Burst agonized and clear!(67)
Affection doesn’t know(68)
An anguish at the mention (71)
Yet she cannot speak.(72)
She died at a play,(75)
As by the dead we love to sit,(88)
How still the Riddle lies!(89)
My friend must be a Bird-(92)
But I shall never tell!(91)
Angels, in the early morning (94)
To such, if they should whisper (95)
All in this summer(173)
What is-“Paradise”-(215)
It can’t be “Dying”!(221)
Enable thee to guess(225)
In sight of me-(226)
Look further on!(229)
You are very far-(240)
Because I know it’s true-(241)
Except it have the flaw-(242)
That dazzled, Yesterday(243)
I breathed enough to take the Trick-(272)
That dies away in Dimple(274)
Saying itself in a new inflection-(276)
See where it hurt me-That’s enough-(277)
A shady friend-for Torrid days-(278)
But never I mind the steepest-(279)
Goodbye to the Life I used to live-(279)
I felt a Funeral, in my Brain,(280)
Keep beating-beating-till I thought(280)
Looking at Death, is Dying-(281)
Members of the Invisible,(282)
Its frequent Visitor-(283)
That after Horror-that ’twas us-(286)
While cool-concernless No-(287)
To an admiring Bog!(288)
The other peep-(289)
I got so I could walk across(293)
The Man-to die-tomorrow-(294)
Let me not shame their sublime deportments-(295)
The Soul selects her own Society-(303)
Then-close the Valves of her attention-(303)
The rest of Life to see!(173)
If stillness is Volcanic(175)
Is true,dear Sue?(218)
How still the riddle lies! (89)
So bashful when I spied her!(91)
To follow her superior Road-(629)
Continual- with the News-(630)
Conquer Mortality-(817)
The Thoughfulness of Thirst(818)
A Death blow is a Life blow to Some(816)
To look at Thee a single time(815)
The Consciousness of Thee(815)
I recollect it-How still-(902)
Twas stiller-though the first(902)

Be rendered by the Bee #4

Lindsey Babcock
Word Count:669

Bereaved of all, I went abroad- (382)
And forgot the color of the Day- (383)
Permission to forget- (474)
Henceforth to remember (537)
In rags mysterious as these (55)
The Table is not laid without (538)
By Death's bold Exhibition (410)
Like a dotted Dot- (304)
They thwarted Us with Guns- (228)

Besides the Autumn poets sing (61)
'Tis so much joy! 'Tis so much joy! (80)
If this is "dying" (56)
In a Coffee Cup, (101)
Where no Autumn lifts her pencil- (77)
There is a morn by men unseen- (17)
It puzzled me to know- (97)
To some fashionable Lady (34)
From off his chamber door- (48)
The flags of nations swang. (24)

It is easy to work when the soul is at play- (111)
Just finding out- what puzzled us- (112)
Stop just a minute- let me think! (113)
Late- when I take my place in summer- (114)
I'm used to that- (115)
How many times it ache for me- today- Confess- (116)
That once- on me- those Jasper Gates (117)
Took Rainbows, as the common way, (118)
How many times they- bore the faithful witness- (119)
The lonesome for they know not What- (120)

To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, (710)
Or Bees- that thought the Summer's name (251)
On my volcano grows the Grass (685)
My homely gift and hindered Words (651)
Like Gnomes- (140)
As 'twere a Spur- upon the Soul- (377)
Filaments of Bloom, Pontius Pilate sowed- (258)
The Lilac is an ancient shrub (545)
The saddest noise, the sweetest noise, (713)
Be rendered by the bee. (409)
Entombed by whom, for what offence (417)
Alarms its walls away- (610)
There is a flower that Bees prefer- (181)
How many be (269)
That Cooler Host (333)
Grace of Wealth, and Grace of Station (451)
Misery, how fair (521)
To fetch Her Grace- and Hue- (333)
Like Petals from a rose- (194)
That person that I was- (195)
I- never wed- (105)
Yet upon His Purple Programme (405)
On his babbling- Berry- lips- (104)
The Orchard sparkled like a Jew- (143)
The Height I recollect- (384)
The Hills erect their Purple Heads (689)
Sweet, to have had them lost (426)
Upon a Lilac Sea (579)
Other force- may be presumed to move- (380)
Across my Mouth- it blurs it- (226)
Till Hair- and Eyes- and timid Head- (108)
Banish Air from Air- (409)
Thunder- the Cricket (332)
And spill the Scarlet Rain (326)
And most profound experiment (399)
A Hoary Boy, I’ve known to drop (461)
Should a shrewd betray me (11)
Just how long cheated eyes will turn- (96)
My Heart to subdivide- (326)
Who may be Purple if He can (473)

I almost strove to clasp his Hand (260)
Until it blocked my eyes (195)
Another summer’s Day! (58)
The Angels must have spied, (71)
The thought beneath so slight a film- (97)
And so, I thought the other way, (214)
The Thought is quiet as a Flake- (656)
“Heaven” has different Signs- to me- (280)
Some say goodnight- at night- (705)
How many be (269)
How Death’s Gifts may compare (182)
How short it takes to make a Bride- (222)
When We stop to Die- (351)
There is a strength in proving that it can be borne (501)
Exhilarate the Bee, (638)
A Peace, as Hemispheres at Home (498)
Love the dull lad- best- (122)
Deal with the soul (123)
The absent- mystic- creature- (117)
Where for the night (54)
Forever- is composed of Nows- (307)

Death is like the insect (697)
A Bee his burnished Carriage (579)
The Spider holds a Silver Ball (297)
A Bee I personally knew (581)
The Cricket drops a sable line (671)
Bees- to their Loaves of Honey (517)
The Butterfly’s Assumption Gown (546)
A prompt- executive Bird is the Jay- (523)
The Eagle of his Nest (183)
Hound cannot overtake the Hare (68)
With Hat in Hand, polite and new (498)
But nature and mankind must pause (690)

Dickinson, Emily. “The Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson.” New York: The Modern Library, 2004.

Dickinson Cento

Word Count:

These are the days when skies resume (130)
How many cups the Bee partakes (128)
What all the world suspect? (129)

Endow the living- with the Tears (521)
Riding to meet the Earl (665)
It multiplied indifference (519)

No notice gave she, but a change (804)
Maimed—Was I – Yet not by Venture (925)
How the waters closed above Him (923)

Pain has but one Acquaintance (1049)
Entitled “Memory” (1273)
I take thee by the hand (1275)

The Spider holds a Silver Ball (605)
It was a gentle price (602)
I’m hardly justified (403)

I held a jewel in my fingers (245)
Blood of His Blood (246)
Yet eloquent declare (97)

Such trust had one among us (43)
When I con the people (40)
Reminded me of mine (510)

The Brain – is wider than the sky (632)
Bereaved of all, I went abroad (784)
To fill the awful vacuum (786)

A Man may make a Remark (952)
That Nought be lost (954)
Perish with him – that Keyless Rhyme! (503)

Say, Jesus Christ of Nazareth (502)
Was God so economical? (690)
Would you like summer? Taste of ours. (691)

The Dusk kept dropping – dropping – still (692)
And the Sun – go on (714)
More distant in an instant (981)

This season of the year (980)
It is to be the saved (1347)
As Summer into Autumn slips (1346)

Life it – with the Feathers (1348)
I groped him before I knew (1555)
Knew where they went (1551)

I’ll begin to sew (617)
As if my Soul were deaf and dumb (577)
But dropped like Adamant (519)

I’ll tell you how the Sun rose (318)
Hid golden, for the whole of Days (321)
Some, too fragile for winter winds (141)

The wolf came peering curious (9)
Upon the hill – that lies (11)
Where every bird is bold to go (1758)

ars poetic 4

632 words Ars Poetica part 4
Soul, Wilt thou toss again?
Ah little Rose – how easy
Snow beneath whose chilly softness
Has periods of shutting
To an insulted sky
Ribbons of the year –
Too trackless for a Tomb –
As innocent as June –
Beyond which summer hesitates,
Creation after this
Encamping on a thousand dawns
When a Lover is a Beggar
The smallest housewife in the grass
Swept my searching eyes – the last –
I will singing go –
I will give him all the Daisies
Convenient to the longing
A Clock stopped –
Afraid of Joy,
I cling to nowhere til I fall –
To see this Curious Friend –
A Dying Tiger – moaned for Drink—
The Amber Quantity –
Just a Drop—
I, of a finer Famine
Gored through and through with Death, to be
Assasin of a Bird
The Rowdy of the Meadow –
And a Green Chill upon the Heat
What a Cell!
The grave my little cottage is,
Except that it deprived of thee --
The foliage of the mind
But growing like a hurricane
In some odd fashion of its own,
Homesick, for steadfast Honey –
For an Eternity –
It held a Human Soul
Still own thee – still thou art
And our new hands
Just to make Bliss
In her mysterious Drawers—
Of Riches – as unconscious
Upon the slowest Night –
In its unfading flowers
Whose adequate supply
Is bliss then, such Abyss
And let Him hear it drip
A quality of loss
The Racket shamed me so –
How public – like a Frog –
Fruitlesser to fling
A summer briefer than the first
Endured, unhelped – unknown
In itself a quiet thing
Awakened by maid and man
A grace without a friend
A bowing intercourse
nature knows well
We do not mourn for traveler, or sailor,
Tis to another sea—
Should they be at home
Could mortal lip divine
By its bisecting
The color of the sun
No ruddy fires on the hearth
Veiling the purple, and the plumes
And of the butterfly
Intent upon its career
Bloom eternally!
And just as tenderly
Go blossom to the bees I said
Wisdom is stale – to me
Civilization – spurns – the Leopard
Do they wear “new shoes” in “Eden”?
Would you like summer? Taste of ours.
In cups of artificial Drowse
From possibility
What twigs we held by
Earth at the best
The Frost was never seen --
With us, ‘tis Harvest all the year
The garden gets the only shot
The mushroom, it is him!
The truth,
Is bald,
And cold –
The scientist of faith
Of individual voice
Too near to God – to pray—
Life – just – or death—
Ransomed from years
Slow gold – but everlasting—
That awful stranger consciousness
Unknown – for all the times we met –
Accomplished in surprise
A merciful mistake
A secret told
It heartier than we
A little madness in the spring
Pink – small – and punctual
Can stand so close and look so bold
To show her throat
The wily – subterranean Inn
Tis dimmer than a lace
A vagabond for genesis
It only sweeter grows
the mind is smooth – no emotion—
without a syllable
but just the smiles of stare
is plenty! Is enough!
How intricate the dust!
And spacious as before
Myself and it, in majesty
Be it but a little
An honest tear
Maddest heart that god created
Or an assaulting guess
To clarify the sight
That such a realm could be
I keep one ray
To offer brave assistance
Not knowing when the dawn will come
He trod upon the trees
Like an adversity
As casual as rain
I am convinced was this
Despair –
As difficult
And held in our bosom
How ruthless are the gentle
It feels a shame to be alive
It seems so straight to lie away
To justify – despair
The filed a scarlet gown
Within my reach
I softly plucking
Just felt the world go by!


Emily Dickinson Cento

LORETTA HASKELL (Word Count: 643)

“Much madness is divinest sense
I asked no other thing
The soul selects her own society,
The banquet of abstemiousness
To help our bleaker parts
Too sullied for the hell
As if my brain had split
And if forgetting, recollecting
The farthest thunder that I heard.
Are friends delight or pain?
Enlightening misery.
Riches were good.
I wonder if it hurts to live,
Finite to fail, but infinite to venture.
Impaled him on her fiercest stakes—
And if I don’t, the little Bird
Yet blamed the fate that fractured, less
Replenished, --faith cannot.
Till sudden I perceived it stir,--
Wisdom is becoming more viewed
Life, and Death, and Giants
Our lives are Swiss,--
Besides, the deepest cellar
To hang our head ostensibly,
The bone that has no marrow;
The brain is deeper than the sea,
Or a disgrace.
To fail with land in sight,
A thing that cannot ignite
The past is such a curious creature,
Salubrious hours are given,
I must not put my foot amiss
So slowly and cautiously;
Had there been no sharp subtraction
How sleek the woe appears.
With infinite affection
The distant strains of triumph
Our blank is scorning.
Hundreds have lost, indeed,
Have ventured all upon a throw;
Forty gone down together
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I might have chanced that way!
‘T is but the ecstasy of death,
The heart asks pleasure first,
In just the dress his century wore;
The mighty merchant smiled.
Unmoved, she notes the chariot’s pausing
A pair of spectacles ajar just stir—
Grief, hills, eternity:
To fight aloud is very brave.
That we can touch the spaces,
And get the dimples ready,
Till we are less afraid;
Pain has an element of blank;
From tankards scooped in pearl;
He ate and drank the precious words,
I had no time to hate, because
My little craft was lost!
Whether to isles enchanted
In that immortal copy
The brain without its groove
I’m nobody! Who are you?
To lips long parching, next to mine,
The nearest dream recedes, unrealized.
The shapes, though, were similar,
And that defies me,--as a hand
Hope is the thing with feathers
Refining these impatient ores
On Revolution Day?
Give balm to giants,
Without a quicker blood,
For each ecstatic instant
The martyrs even trod,
And so, upon this wise I prayed,--
As laces just reveal the surge,
The soul unto itself
Surgeons must be very careful
Around a pile of mountains,
Menagerie to me
The mountain at a given distance
Is Heaven a physician?
You left me, sweet, two legacies,--
Alter? When the hills do.
What fortitude the soul contains,
The whole of me, forever,
With half a smile and half a spurn,
You, unsuspecting, wear me too—
I did not love enough.
Where bashful flowers blow,
As if some little Arctic flower,
From spotted nooks,--
Our life, his porcelain,
As if no sail the solstice passed
These fleshless loves met,
The fathoms they abide.
Lips unused to thee,
Of all the souls that stand create
I have no life but this,
For life’s estate with you.
Sweet debt of Life,--each night to owe,
You could hear the bodice tug, behind you,
Then, glancing narrow at the wall,
Wild nights! Wild nights!
With but a single star,
Did the paradise, persuaded,
Her bodice rose and fell,
That image satisfies.
The moon is distant from the sea,
That make the circuit of the rest,
I held a jewel in my fingers
Dungeons may call, and guns implore;
So I, the undivine abode
The exponent of breath.
It was the limit of my dream,
When bumble-bees in solemn flight
Pray gather me, Anemone,
Did they forget thee?
He fumbles at your spirit
You may forget the warmth he gave,
The heart I cherished in my own
My gypsy face transfigured now
Eternity until.”

Works Cited:
Dickinson, Emily. “The Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson.” New York: The Modern Library, 2004.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

ars poetic part 3

626 words
I think
how we
with certainty
every thing and body
hung up
left out
to dust
the sky
in walk
-in closets
on vines
Old clothes
we don’t want
to get
rid of
To us
With heat
in bags waiting
to be
to Good Will,
Or “God’s Will”
Where others
wear them
I paid
damn good
money for that
someone else
wear it
for a bargain,
One time
my mom
a bunch
my winters,
Claiming her
had carried
the deed,
In a fit
of fluffy
the fur of his
to the point
an arrow
of his eyes
closing to
into his
the same
smile he
would give his
son throwing
of dust
a dream
was only
my mother
Rocks filling
needed them
than I did,
she was
just hording
51 years
In Vegas
Of Loss
Pushing stone
planets up
hills infinite
to faux
pushing that stone,
to the poison,
keeps eating
it and
vomiting it
over and
over and
over again
until she can’t
the difference
thought I would
write some
book about her
Deserv –
But no!
exclamation points
like Courtney
Love’s autobiography
points of
to tell
of them
in one
big orgy
Of truth
dumb virgins
miserable cocks
Of men
who love
But I am
not one
of them
I am
brimming stars
air stuck
to wind
molesting Electric
rivers pierced
letters cement
victims reek
of herpes
and I
body guard
of disease
away icy
Give me
to the dark
I can
in peanut
-butter and
silence and
cry to
stuck to
like flies out
of bombs
the color
to my
half lit
with fried
fear stuffed
my closet
lard coats
like death
for free
in sneering
where one
night stands
always linger
by the grass
of bulls
I read
books to
strung out
I am strung
I am strung linear
soaked strung
like fish
I am
like fingers
and barbeque
of loud
on my
with apologies
don’t erase
three paragraphs of
and beer
like apples
look like
I am
Flowing traffic
Of slow
David bowie
Like video games
I am
The beginning
Going lost
Woke up
to it

To lead
My imagination
With my
Out of
On a shirt
I don’t wear
To wash
I can
To feel
The clock
Losing losing losing losing losing losing losing losing losing
Losing losing losing losing losing losing losing losing losing
Losing losing losing losing losing losing losing losing losing
Losing Losing Losing Losing Losing losing losing losing losing
Losing losing losing losing losing losing losing losing losing
Losing losing losing losing losing losing losing losing losing
Losing losing losing losing losing losing losing losing losing
Around to try and find the words
around to try and find the words
That day I felt good enough to write something

Brooke Burns