Wednesday, September 24, 2008

bush push boner pull

i look like you wanna look barbara
bush boner wipe my mommy poopy
bottom i fuck like you wanna fuck
bush boner bush boner push push
push bash boner bush boner wipe
my tush i am free in all the ways
you are not free in all the ways
i am free always i am free bush
boner desert jungle mommy
my diaper is a jungle of smell
my meal is a lead salad fuck
like you wanna fuck bagel bush
boner push a fart not a disease
of the third world look make
the third world look like you
wanna look fuck like you wanna
free speech fuck in slutclothes
following another night on the drunk
begets inelegance bush boner bash
boner push all ways you wish
you could be free foreign means
here comes everybody’s xenophobia
but to be like me push tush i fuck
like you wanna fuck like i like you
your thursday slutclothes bush
boner push bash touch like you wanna
love torpor in the ways oh how
i am free and you are not white
collared bush boner earrings, rings
for bellies, rings for toes, ringtones
mean i make you not free i call
you when i wanna fuck bush
boner bush boner push push slaves
in all the ways you are not looking
like you wanna look push tush
in fitted jeans a little tight in the crotch
mommy boners on in to the fitting
room and bush boner grabs to check
thursday night slutclothes fit rite
how i wanna thursday night woman
forget it i wanna fuck look bush boner
push bash tactical insertion bush boner
the desert in its want of moistures
please thursday brings rains four straight
i wanna look and godhead i wanna gadfly
you until your godhead shambles and looks
as i want it to look your women who i plow
through until i explode them thursday
women grapes in a soft light in my mouth
bush boner palm fronds car bombs
in midair gave proof i look like you wanna
look i fuck like you wanna fuck love
i believe like you wanna believe i inhabit
a dreamscape a space temporarily setting
up a long-term-relationship base upon
which i burst bush boner a grape bash
past againt my palate fine carats of a third
world vintage system against freedom
i am free to say any free more free
and you are not bush boner push pull
trend kill i push east the slutclothed
fashionistas of the west i love like you
wanna love i nimbly undercut bush
boner the maxims of your prophets
via push pull decontextualizing
the maxims of my prophets mommy
mommy my tush dirties itself you
wanna help me wanna maximum
profits swipe swipe your dirty
mommy money like you wanna dirty
money push push i campaign
for your faith bush boner bush i rocket
raid and potty in all the ways you
cathetered and colostomied bomb
freaks cannot i keep a harem bush
boner bash push because you cannot
i scrum like you wanna scrum of a barred
thrusday beerdrunk i punch bush
boner and fuck bush boner like you
wanna punch any woman in slutclothes
push pull subdue do you wanna fuck
like i wanna fuck push boner i have bombs
to offer i bomb like you wanna bomb
not an end-all desperate bomb but
a bush boner bunker buster to bustup
this dustup and upthrust your tunnels
in and out of makeups and slutclothes
tan year round like you wanna desert
tan my bum my bumpish boner by firebush
i say i can offer the words of the godhead
and the power to have a look i look
like you wanna look and the power
to have a fuck i fuck like you wanna fuck
because i am free in all the ways
you are not boner bush boner bush
pullpush pullpush wish pulpit wish
you could offer proof and by fire
i have firebrand status i can offer ramparts
in aid of minarets if you would only
forswear to buying bush boner shit
you do not need with money you do
not have bombs bursting in clean air
free from a diaper’s fart salad and lead
window it’s okay you can fuck and look
in the mirror of your thursday night
slutclothes strewn about the bush boner
fuck carpet i still pay for i live
as inelegantly as possibly now you wanna
live if only bush boner pull bush
you swear what wasis has been or emerges
pushpull forbear forswear that you
are free in all the ways always that i
am not and be free as you pushpull
i am not push pushing forswear
boner on layaway ready thirty six
hours barbara forswear this diaper
of firebrand and gadfly this diadem
of freedoms bush boner bush boner
i look like you wanna look is worth
fucking i fuck like you wanna defend
fucking i forswear in air pushpull you wanna

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