Thursday, October 16, 2008


just when the summit vision
succumbs to the edemic
air we pant on crampon
crunch perma a frozen god
snowwind in slow measure
the paginated flags mother
us to paces then to roof
it extends infinitely away
up & up despite us
fogged to stupor breaths
we are never were atop.

That we are stubborn

edemic latwerk

in the middle,

air only at the time

of the bottom bottom

the death that is

suffocated with perma

that froze the eyesight

that meets in a top

calls it to do

and to rhythm

that is opposing roof

nummerde independently

God of the slow

measure mother

of the flag that did

snowwind excess

middle considerably


and decide we who

a fog divides deep

into the infinite we

surprise that increase

directly and be

not and did.

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